Total Medals Earned: 58 (From 25 different games.) Total Medal Score: 395 Points
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/240 points)
Destroy a Turret
Destroy a helicopter
Destroy a Mech
Beat the Game
Reach 50 Thousand points
Medals Earned: 4/12 (20/240 points)
Use a seed for the first time
Defeat the miniboss
Find all of Big Mama's children
Complete level one
Defeat the miniboss without taking any damage
Find the shortcut in level one
Discover the source of the music in the woods
Completely level two
Defeat the boss of world one
Defeat the boss of world one without taking any damage
Find and defeat Iris
Defeat Iris without taking any damage
Medals Earned: 2/7 (10/70 points)
Use a seed
Complete level 1
Complete level 2
Complete the boss level
Complete the boss level without taking any damage
Save all of Big Mama's children and receive your reward
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/195 points)
play bug ball 3D !!
complete the EASY course!
complete the MEDIUM course!
complete the HARD course!
get an S rank on any course
get an S rank on every course
complete any course with the "mirror world" modifier enabled
complete any course with the "overdrive" modifier enabled
read the credits
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/395 points)
Complete level 3
Complete level 4
Complete level 5
Complete level 6
Complete level 7
Complete level 8
Complete level 9
Complete level 10
Complete level 11
Complete level 12
Collect all the stars in each level
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/15 points)
Open the game.
Inspect every test tube.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/65 points)
start the game
find all the tapes!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/490 points)
Launch a scout ship
Launch a fighter ship
Launch a bomber ship
Launch a frigate ship
Launch a cruiser ship
Have 15 ships of each class at launched at once
Click 10,000 times
Complete the game
Medals Earned: 4/35 (50/465 points)
Get 3 stars at the Park with Quimby
Kill each member of the Flanders super fast!
Kill everyone in springfield
Get 3 stars at the beginning
Get 3 stars on Kodo's ship
Get 3 stars at Frink's Lab
Get 3 stars at Burn's Golf Course
Get 3 stars at the Alley with Snake
Get 3 stars on Bible Blasters
Get 3 stars at the Alley with Moleman
Get 3 stars at the Sea Captain's Shop
Get 3 stars at the Pettigrew's Shop
Get 3 stars on the Bridge to Springfield
Get 3 stars on Larry the Looter
Get 3 stars at the Park with Otto
Get 3 stars at Jabediah Springfield
Get 3 stars at Seymour's House
Get 3 stars at the playground with Ralph
Get 3 stars at the Park with Fat Tony
Get 3 stars at Springfield Zoo
Get 3 stars on Hockey Dad
Get 3 stars at Moe's Tavern - Roof
Get 3 stars at Moe's Tavern
Get 3 stars at Apu's Kwik-E-Mart
Get 3 stars at The Simpsons' House
Get 3 stars inside The Simpsons' House
Get 3 stars at Smithers' Castle
Get 3 stars against Devil Flanders
Get a 3 hit combo on Todd's body
Kill Sideshow Bob
Don't kill your family members
Get a highscore on the Leaderboards
Play the game 3 times in one session!
Medals Earned: 1/17 (5/385 points)
Jump out
Go to the next floor without harming any enemies
Kill a carrot before it explodes
Complete a room at 10% of your max health or less
Reach Floor 10
Reach Floor 20
Reach Floor 30
Reach Floor 40
Reach Floor 50
Jump out 10 times in one run
Reach a Max HP of 500 or more
Beat the game in 45 minutes or less
Beat the game
Jump out and climb back up again from the bottom after killing the CEO
Kill 300 enemies in a run
Have 50.000 Fruity Bucks on you
Buy the Glock 17 9mm